Medical Alert Enabling Seniors to Connect Instantly to Caregivers

To fully appreciate the efficiency of a medical alert system in the context of complementing the work of caregivers, let us consider an actual real-world case. Madelyn is a subscriber to one of the leading medical alert system companies. She is 60, with narcolepsy, and lives alone at her own home in California. One day, she decides to change the light bulb in her kitchen. As there is no one else to do the job, and because it is supposedly a simple job of unscrewing the old bulb and replacing it with a new one, she gets up on the short ladder and begins removing the old bulb. At one point, however, the table slightly moves and Madelyn loses her balance and she ends up on the floor, writhing in pain, her hips probably shattered. The phone is on the other side of the house, and if not for the medical alert device shes wearing around her neck, Madelyns situation could have been worse. She presses the panic button, contact is made with the medical alert systems response center, and within minutes one of Madelyns registered responders (whose numbers she registered with her medical alert device) arrive to give her assistance as they waited for the ambulances arrival. And while Madelyn subsequently endures months of hospitalization (her age and the location of the bone fracture made her condition complicated), it is obvious that things could have been a lot worse if not for the timely response of the medical alert systems monitoring center.

Now, the abovementioned story is not a fairytaleit is actually based on a case file from a medical alert system provider. The lesson here is simple: a medical alert system is designed to allow further flexibility for caregivers. In fact, it smoothly complementsand even extendsthe duties of a caregiver in order to give the senior the best care possible.

Most medical alert systems can be programmed to register the numbers of the persons that you want to be notified first in the event of an emergency. Most people register the neighbors that they trust, while others register relatives, or their grown children if they happen to live nearby. While notifying next of kin or caregivers, the response center will also send the necessary medical help from the medical facility that is located nearest the patients address. The whole system is set up with emphasis on efficiency and speed: in a few minutes, barring other mishaps, able hands are arriving to help.

Seniors can connect much faster to caregivers in an emergency with a medical alert, thanks to the devices single push-button action: there is nothing to confuse the senior wearing the device because there are no other options. You just press it. Also, the wearer does not have to worry about pressing the button by mistake when they dont even need medical help, the response center understands that such harmless mistakes can occur and, after all, it is better to be mistaken than to be sorry about failing to respond quickly to a real issue. In fact, most medical alert companies want you to test the device periodically by pressing the button and making sure you are comfortable using the system.

The medical alert systems design is so simple. That is why you will never find a medical alert system accompanied with pages and pages of how-to guides. The medical alert system itself is pretty much direct to the point: the package contains nothing but the wearable medical alert device and the base unit.

In the end, a medical alert system provides so many benefits and advantages to both the senior and the caregiver that there is hardly any argument against using it. To top it off, the monthly service fee is very reasonable, especially when one considers that the monitoring service operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Indeed, ordering a medical alert is one of the best proactive decisions a caregiver can make to bring back quality to a seniors life.

Most Popular Electronic Medical Billing Software

In the last few years there has been an increase in pressure in the medical profession. Many people do not have medical insurance to pay their medical bills and this has resulted in medical offices having less money for hiring employees. Because of this, many doctors offices have started using third-party electronic medical billers to help improve their cash flow.

Other offices are purchasing electronic medical billing software so they can upgrade their own billing system. Being fully automated helps to cut down on office personnel and is more efficient than the former billing practices. The medical billing software comes with options such as printing the bill with late charges or just showing the number of days the bill is late. There are several software companies which provide billing software; you just need to know what features you need to fulfill your office requirements.

Sage Software: This company offers a billing software package which can be customized to suit the needs of the company. There is a section provided for address changes or to announce an upcoming event. It also has a feature to provide collection letters or letters reminding someone of their appointment time.

Collaborate MD: This software offers medical billing which uses the Internet for its day to day operations. The small monthly fee is affordable and the company always performs back-ups each day. This insures that you will not lose all of the valuable data which is stored in the system. With the click of the mouse you can view the reports needed to tell you what is going on with your business. This frees up time for the office staff since they do not have to spend hours running reports.

Medical ProClaim: This is a powerful program which is windows based and provides top notch medical claims processing. There is more than one version to choose from including medical practice, anesthesia, and dental. The low price for this software with its extensive features can help the medical practice office save a lot of time and money.

Choice Medical Billing Service: This is an outside medical billing firm that charges a percentage of the paid medical claims. Their goal is to provide a dependable billing service that has a high rate of success. They are not paid unless their clients get paid which can help reduce the costs of repeat billing. They offer a 100% guarantee that you will be satisfied with their service.

No matter what route you choose to take, electronic billing can help speed up the process of billing claims. You can choose software which is installed on your office computer which requires very little input from the staff. This software also compiles the reports needed for accounting so your staff has more time to perform other duties. This software is usually fairly inexpensive and provides updated versions for a nominal fee.

By choosing an outside firm or individual to do your billing you will be able to employee less staff and cut the costs of everyday operations. By having fewer employees you will not have to pay the salary or the benefits which are associated with each employee.

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What To Expect Working As A Medical Coder

In the healthcare industry, you come across millions of different diseases, all of which have different symptoms and treatments. Without a proper system, it can be very hard to keep track of all these aspects and manage them effectively. Moreover, there are many players in this field such as the doctors, patients and insurance companies, and there needs to be a system to decide how much money has to be transferred from one to another. This is where medical coding comes in.

Working in the field of medical coding includes organizing all the diseases and the related information in a proper numerical format. There are many coding systems that are in place for different aspects of health care such as diagnosis, treatment and requirements. The way you code this information depends on where you are working and what you need to determine after coding. Regardless, medical coders have to group diseases into different categories and then make sure all the payments are made according to these classifications.

Education is very important for working in the field of medical coding. Medical coders who are well-educated and have a master’s degree earn much more than those who only have a bachelor’s degree. Therefore, it is necessary to get a good education if you want to excel in this field. There are many colleges that are now offering good degrees in this field, so these should be considered. Once you have some experience and all the knowledge you need, you can take the certification exams, which are organized by the authorities. Once you are a certified medical coder, you can start your career officially.

The best part about working in this field is that you have a lot of choice. There are many places that you can work such as hospitals, nursing homes, clinics and outpatient centers. This means that you do not have to confine yourself to one particular job setting, and you can also rotate from one setting to another till you find one that suits your preferences. Moreover, you can even be employed by insurance agencies and law firms that deal with medical cases.

The final option is to go for a specialization in one particular field of medical coding if you feel that you are inclined to it after gaining some experience. This will allow you to focus solely on the field of your choice, which is a great aspect of this career.

Medical Tourism

Medical tourism is the process of traveling abroad in order to receive medical care, be it cosmetic surgery, heart surgery, breast implants, a hip replacement, or dental work.

Rising health care costs and longer waiting times in the western countries like United States, Canada, and UK etc. are inducing patients to seek treatment overseas. While U.S. consumers are concerned mainly with the exorbitant cost of health care, Canadians are more troubled by wait-times for certain treatments. Indeed, approximately 1 million Canadians claim to be experiencing difficulties in access to care. As for UK, it is believed that more than 50,000 people from the UK travel for treatment abroad because of high medical care costs in UK.

Medical Tourism in South Korea South Korea has been growing as a tourist destination of choice for health and vacation because of their world class physicians, modern technology, and unique caring and compassion at great values for money at a fraction of the cost in the west. The country is home to some of the best hospitals and stand alone Specialty clinics in the world, offering world-class expertise, state-of-the-art facilities, and the warmth of hospitality. Also, some of the world’s best spa retreat resorts and tour destinations can be found in this part of the earth. Additionally, it’s not unusual to find plus accommodations, foreign language translators, and other amenities at some of the major facilities.

South Korea has made its initial foray into the lucrative market of medical tourism by launching the Council for Korea Medicine Overseas Promotion. Funded by the Government and 28 private hospitals, this organization will market medical packages to foreign patients seeking affordable health care. The Council has initiated a set of measures to promote the medical vacation industry by aiding hospitals in their marketing strategies. In this way, South Korea can generate greater overseas awareness of the country’s medical and tourism offerings. According to a Council official:

The average charge for an in-patient visit in a US hospital is dollar3,762, which is 13 times higher than in South Korea.

The average charge for outpatients in the US is dollar13,000 which is 9 times higher than in South Korea. South Korea’s affordable health care system has seen the number of foreign patients rise from 10,000 to 13,000 in just 2 years. With all these added measures in place, South Korea is on its way to claim its share in the prosperous medical vacation business

Benefits of Medical Tourism Health care costs are constantly on the rise in countless Western countries. In the US alone, it is already a multi-billion dollar industry that shows no sign of stopping (worldwide it is over dollar3 trillion US). But why pay exorbitant prices at home when you can travel abroad and receive the same treatment (if not better) from a fully certified medical facility for a fraction of the price?