Non Emergency Medical Transportation business

Everyday, thousands of patients and their families are faced with the challenge of arranging non emergency medical transportation for their loved ones. The federal and state government recognizes the importance of meeting the transportation needs of medically frail patients who do not require emergency medical transportation. The United States Congress enacted Section 6083 of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 to allow the introduction of Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (“NEMT”) brokerage systems for Medicaid recipients at the state level.

Non-emergency medical transportation involves getting a patient to and from the source of
medical care when the medical condition is not life threatening. This includes non-emergency
ambulance, medi-car, taxicab, service car, livery or private automobile. The Non-Emergency Medical Transport (NEMT) business service is a growing Industry as the need for this specialized service continues to grow. Many existing companies and new businesses are venturing into the NEMT business as an additional source of revenue or as a stand alone profitable business. However, the start up process for Non emergency Medical Transportation business is moderately difficult. Recent study published in a business journal in 2009 indicates 69% of businesses that venture into the NEMT business abandon the start up process. This is due to lack of correct information or unavailability of information to help with the start up process.
There is more to non emergency transportation management than getting from one location to the next. The NEMT business is heavily impacted by laws and regulations that are specific to states, counties or municipalities. Businesses that start an NEMT business with an informative and detailed start up guide have a higher chance making it past the start up phase.
NEMT services are a good business by all accounts. This is a service that is needed. The elderly, disabled people including veterans, people with chronic medical conditions that require frequent medical appointments rely heavily on NEMT businesses to get their medical needs met.
The recent economic hardships have resulted in lower revenues for taxi and limousine and other companies. An NEMT business provides a solid and steady base of revenue for these businesses. However the success of any NEMT business is highly dependent on the establishing effective policies and procedures, education and training programs for staff, quality improvement programs and practices and most important an effective marketing strategy.The Non Emergency Medical Transportation start-up guide by Precision Management provides direct and detailed answers to the daunting questions that confront businesses during the start up process. The start up guides goes further to address policies and procedures requirements, success proven marketing strategies, risk management. Ultimately, the goal of the guide is to help NEMT businesses achieve a higher customer satisfaction and the success of new businesses in the NEMT service industry.

All About Family, School And Medical Social Workers

Social work is a growing area and profession, and the main purpose is to improve the quality of life for other people in whatever way possible. This area is further divided into many different sub areas or specialties so there can be many different types of professionals in the field.

One of the most popular types of social workers is family or school social workers. The main responsibility of these workers is to help families cope with situations that can be stressful, such as a death in the family or divorce. If there is any situation in a family which is less than ideal, it can have far-reaching impact on the members, especially children. Therefore, it is important to have social workers who can help families adapt to the new circumstances.

There are many different family cases where workers are needed such as in families with single parents, foster families, and children who are adopted or even abused. Workers who are specialized to deal with children are known as child protective workers. In school, these people can help raise awareness about different important issues such as drugs and safety, and can also provide counseling to children.

There are also many social workers who work with the mentally unstable, and help them have a chance at a normal life. People who have mental illnesses may need guidance and help to get through, and this is what the workers provide. Specialists in this area of the field can help such people through therapy, intervention and even rehabilitation programs. Not just that, the family members of such patients, also need help to cope with the patient and to understand how to handle difficult situations, and workers can help them learn more about this. People who have addictions and substance abuse problems can also get help. Substance abuse workers are usually available in clinics and hospitals.

Last but not least are the medial social workers who work with patients with different kinds of diseases and conditions. These workers help extend care to the patients and help them cope with the disease which can be anything ranging from AIDS to Alzheimer’s. If a patient needs home care, this can also be arranged by the workers. Social professionals who deal with patients needing organ transplants, are also known as clinical workers. These are some common types of social workers, and there are other categories that you can work in as well.

Medical Alert Systems and In Home Care Can Combat Rising Healthcare Costs

A medical alert system can bring children of aging parents the peace of mind of knowing that their parents, who may live alone, can reach help if they experience a fall or other accident. The most common reason for purchasing a medical alert is wanting to make sure that an elderly loved one who is generally able to live independently is able to reach help when they need it. But can this tool for independent living also be a weapon in the fight against rising healthcare costs in the United States?

The population of the United States includes 39 million individuals over the age of 65 as of 2008, and by the year 2030, this number is expected to skyrocket to 72 million, as “Baby Boomers” reach the age of 65.

So, the aging population is growing. The individuals of the “baby boom” generation are reaching senior age, causing the senior population to increase dramatically. Not only that, but healthcare advances have allowed people to live longer; there are many more people reaching their 80s, 90s and even past 100. Those who reach these ages are, on average, suffering a large number of physical ailments and as a consequence, they consistently incur high medical expenses.

More seniors, fighting more physical ailments means a higher healthcare cost amongst our increasingly senior population. In fact, by the year 2030, health care for seniors is predicted to account for 25% of all the nations health care expenditures.

This is where a medical alert system can help. The price of equipment rental and monitoring can be less than $1 per day; a long hospital stay costs much more than that. The longer a senior waits to receive help after a fall, the more complications they will experience.

If a senior citizen falls, and is unable to summon help within the first hour, they are extremely likely to lose their independence, and most in this situation are ultimately placed in nursing homes.

With a medical alert system, an individual can get quick help, which often eliminates the need for a lengthy hospital stay, and prevents seniors from experiencing complications from their fall that land them permanently in a nursing home or care facility.

In conjunction with in-home care provided either by a professional service or a member of the seniors family, a medical alert system can keep an elderly individual out of a hospital, out of a nursing home, and can extend the amount of time in which he or she can live at home safely.

The average cost of nursing homes can top an average pricetag of $83,585/year, or $229/day. A medical alert system rental and monthly monitoring service costs less than $1/day.

While the rapidly rising population of seniors in the United States as well as recent changes to Medicare almost certainly guarantee a drastic spike in healthcare costs, this increase can be slowed. Preventative measures are the key to lowering healthcare costs in the United States, as it decreases the amount of costly emergency care and the many expenditures that come when an individual is no longer able to live in their homes.

Why Caregivers and Doctors Recommend Medical Alert Systems

Doctors know the importance of having round-the-clock medical monitoring, especially for high-risk patients. Any serious medical emergency could occur anytime, and because doctors have no accurate way of predicting when it would happen, the only logical way to manage it is by conducting 24-hour monitoring of the patient. However, such kind of monitoring is not particularly cost-effective, especially for patients or seniors who are still able to get around.

Caregivers, on the other hand, could only do so much. Such as attending to the ache and pains of the senior, helping them with bathing, and assisting them with their daily activities, but their attention is limited. Unless were speaking of multiple caregivers who alternate shifts in 24-hour periods, caregivers would go home at the end of the day, leaving the senior on their own.

Obviously, there is a gap in attention, and unfortunately, it is through those gaps that accidents happen. Caregivers and doctors recommend medical alert systems primarily because the service could accomplish things that they could not. Usually, caregivers have other responsibilities and concernsthey also have a life, a family to attend to, and a job that demands their professional attention. Thats why giving all the obligations on the caregivers shoulders is essentially risking eventual neglect of the senior.

These days, medical alerts are advanced and efficient. Back during their early days in the 1970s, medical alerts were bulky, and it was hard for seniors to wear the devices. Worse, the early medical alerts were not waterproof, so they could not be worn in the bathroom. This was a crucial weakness: most accidents involving seniors occur in the bathrooma slip on the tiled floor or the bath tub can be fatal when not immediately attended to.

Fortunately, like other in-demand and important technologies, medical alerts have evolved in terms of sophistication and efficiency. No longer are such devices bulky and a hassle to use. The medical alerts youll find being offered by different providers these days are built and designed for daily durabilitythey are waterproof and can be worn at all times, even when the wearer is in the bathroom. The medical alerts are also small, lightweight and designed compactly enough that it is easy for the wearer to be no longer self-conscious about it.

Using a medical alert system is so simple that even seniors who find trouble understanding technical instructions will be able to quickly use the system. Basically, there are no technical instructionsthe senior only needs to “wear” the device (either as a bracelet or as a necklace pendant) and press the button whenever a need arises. Whether the seniors is plagued witha heart attack, a dizziness spelland theyre alone in the house with the caregiver miles away, they simply press that button and a professionally trained response center responder will speak to them from the loudspeaker of the systems base unit. Other types of medical alerts can also be set to automatically call 911 or the nearest neighbor or medical facility whenever the device “detects” that the senior has an accident in the homea slip on the floor, a fall, or some sudden inactivity that may indicate loss of consciousness.

A medical alert system can enable doctors or caregivers to have a better control of their loved ones situationthe devices and the 24/7 monitoring associated with their use can easily fill in what the common caregiver could not do, which is remain with their aging loved one at all times. After all, a medical alert system, thanks to technological advances in manufacturing and wireless communication, is now very affordable, with a minimal monthly fee of around $20. For the breadth and scope of a medical alert systems service, along with its other perks, wed say that the monthly service fee is indeed a very small price to pay for ensuring the safety of a loved one.

All about medical exams

When it comes to writing insurance policies, the decision is all about risk. Based on what you tell the insurer, the actuaries estimate the chances you will have an accident the next time you drive, or that your home will be flattened by a tornado, or that you will catch the H1N1 brand of influenza. It’s the most scientific form of gambling our society has been able to develop. If all the sums work out right, you are protected financially should any of the risks occur and the insurer will make a profit. So when it comes to insuring your life, the actuary needs to call in different professionals. Although you may give completely honest answers to questions about your own health and the health of your immediately family, there are many things you do not know. Sometimes, families are not honest with each other when it comes to health problems. Sometimes, you may not have been to see a doctor recently and so be unaware your own health is less than good. To protect everyone, a medical examination will usually be a condition when the amount of cover requested is high, or you are older, or you admit possible health problems.

Some insurance companies employ paramedicals who can bring a mobile service to your home or office. Others will give you the name of a specific doctor or a clinic and wait for you to make an appointment. Note that, almost without exception, when something more than a token amount of insurance has been requested, no reference will be made to your regular doctor. The insurers only accept evidence from independent medical personnel.

Let’s say you are still young and there are no untoward signs in your own or your family’s history. The exam is likely to be fairly straightforward, going through lists of questions about your current health and lifestyle. In this remember you may be tested to ensure your answers about not smoking and no abuse of drugs are truthful. If you appear heavier than you admitted on the proposal form, there may be more tests for diabetes and other diseases that can affect the overweight. If you have admitted to health problems, the tests can be fairly intensive if you are older and asking for significant amounts of cover. This is not just measuring pulse rate and blood pressure. You can find yourself supplying a range of samples, submitting to an EKG and getting up on a treadmill to prove lung capacity, stamina and a healthy heart. Only those who pass with flying colors will be offered the larger amount in cover.

In one sense, the whole experience of a medical exam is something of a deterrent. It takes up time and can be intrusive. Yet we have to advise you to go through several exams. The reason is simple. Life insurance companies approach risk assessment in slightly different ways. What some may consider significant is more routine to others. To get the best deal, you have to get as many offers as possible. This means being prepared to go through as many medical exams as it takes. Only when you have all the offered life insurance policies in your hands can you judge which one represents the best deal for you and your family.

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